There will come a time when a manager needs to make the tough decision to terminate an employee. These types of decisions are never easy, but necessary. However, they can be accomplished in a planful, formal and logical fashion to maximize your control over the discussion. The decision to terminate an employee should normally be made in consultation with your boss and Human Resources. Of course, in a unionized setting, the labor contract and past practice need to be taken into account before the decision is finalize.
If you are faced with this situation, here are just a few key points you’ll want to keep in mind:
1. Hold the meeting early Monday morning. Research has shown that this is the best day of the week to get this done. This will provide the employee with the rest of the work-week to psychologically adjust and actively begin to prepare for the change. “Black Friday” terminations have been well-documented to have a negative impact on the person and the organization.
2. When you bring the person into your office to inform them of the news, don’t fill time with small talk. Don’t make jokes. It will later feel inauthentic to both you and the…
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