Black Friday: Top 10 #BlackFriday hacks | Smart Money

1. I need, or I want?

Before you splurge on electronic devices, PC hardware and appliances, take a moment to ask yourself whether you really need it, and whether you can honestly afford it. Is it an upgrade (in which case, what will you do with the old one?) or a replacement? Unless you’ve specifically been planning and saving for it, it may be better to give the purchase a miss.

2. Do your homework

Many retailers use Black Friday, sales and promotional gimmicks like ‘Buy three, get the cheapest free’ to move old stock or less desirable inventory, so know exactly what you want – down to the model number of the device or appliance – and the regular price.

Make a list of the retailers that stock the item/s so you can check them all out on Black Friday to ensure you get the best deal. Sign up for their email newsletters so you can capitalise on any exclusive deals they run for this “insider” list.

3. Stick to a pre-planned budget

Consumer psychology tells us that human beings prize value – but value is not a fixed number. Rather, it’s relative to whatever amount you are used to paying – and how badly…

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Black Friday Brasil